Latest Past Events

Sunday Worship Services

Christ The King Etobicoke 475 Rathburn Road, Etobicoke

Sunday Worship Service This is a live in person service, accompanied by live streaming on the Christ The King website, Click Here 10:00 am Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays 10:00 am Morning Prayer 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays Sunday School weekly at the 10:00 service. Refreshments and fellowship following the 10:00 am service.

10am-12pm Chancel Guild

Chancel Guild meets in the Sanctuary, 10am to 12pm every Saturday.

Wonderkids Nursery School

Christ The King Etobicoke 475 Rathburn Road, Etobicoke

Wonderkids daycare Newly licensed program runs 8:00am to 5pm in Room 2. Preschool children from 1.5 to 5 years old.